5 Ways to Avoid Plastic Water Bottles!


I use to head to the grocery store to buy gallons of water every week, just to recycle them later on. Not only did it destroy my time, energy, space and bank account! It deeply destroys the planet. Studies & reports around the world made it very clear by the year 2050 the amount of plastic will heavily and devastatingly surpass marine life. I like the planet we live on so here are a few amazing ways I saved money & avoided plastic!

Refill Water Stations: Very popular around the West Coast and slowly spreading throughout the country. A gallon to refill will usually always cost you under a dollar, once you add the cost up it will save you an incredible amount of coin. Especially great when you need jugs filled with gallons of water for road trips, conference’s, schools, festivals, parties or preparing emergencies!

Brita Pitcher : This is number one in my household, not only because it saves you so much money but really filters out what the plastic water bottles don’t. Plastic leaches out the chemicals its made out of, onto the water it holds, to avoid this I aim for a glass one. You do not necessary have to buy the Brita brand, there are other companies with so much more options such as glass or plastic pitchers and designs. Do a quick google search to see which kind of design or color you like, price points vary!

Reusable Water bottles: There are a number of different styles, designs, colors and price points for whatever kind of reusable you want. You can even go on Etsy or any small business site and have some designed personally for you. I usually find one at a local thrift store for very little or just grab a glass jar and pop a lid on the go.

Charcoal Bamboo Filter Sticks: I have not tried these yet but I have been told they are slowly growing the market. Mostly for at home or even camping, this is actually a pretty useful item. When your out of Brita filters, cant head to the local store or cant refill at a water station, these will purify your water within an hour. Activated by boiling them once and drying, 3 sticks are good for a whole month. This is especially great for an emergency at home kit. I will definitely be trying these out very soon!

Faucet Filters: Going back to the Brita, they aren’t the only things to instantly filter your water. There are designs out there in which connect straight to the faucet or have an attached filter with a connecter. It solely depends on what kind of model or look you want and the prices that benefit you. I remember having a huge filter that connected on the side of the sink, linked with a tube that connected to the faucet, I myself was not a huge fan of that one because it was an eyesore but modern times have modern designs! Faucet filters are very minimal in space, so If you have a small kitchen you may want to look into these.

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5 Ways to Avoid Plastic Water Bottles!

1 Comment

  1. Had no idea about the sticks pretty clever

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