7 Foods to Freeze & Cut Waste


If you bought more cheese than you can handle its a smart idea to throw it in the freezer. This ensures it will last much longer than the date posted, all the while still tasting fresh! Cheese tends to crumble as it thaws, many people do buy shredded already in the bag, but I tend to buy it in the block form anyways. When I thaw the cheese, it becomes extremely easy to shred, cuts down the prep time and taste’s exactly the same. Plus I saved a dollar or two buying the product in its solid form.

A few ways to save on coffee when you made to much is just to pop it in the fridge & boil for later. It will taste just like the first time you made it. You can even pour the extra liquid into ice trays for iced lattes instead of ice made from water.

Avocados always get to ripe to quickly, especially the organic ones. Before this happens pop the whole thing in the freezer. When your ready to use just take it out and open it like you would normally. You would never even know the difference.

A very easy way to cut down on groceries is bread. Everyone’s bread goes bad before they can use the whole loaf. Stick it in the freezer and it will last weeks & weeks.

Yes you can freeze milk, sourcream, cottage cheese and even yogurt but it will have a different consistency. I’m not a fan of the texture so when I did thaw them out it was mostly for either baking or smoothies.

Vegetables are so easily frozen, I never understood the flash freeze concept. I literally wash and cut any vegetables, toss it in a glass jar or reuse a plastic bag and place it in the freezer. This is extremely useful in cutting down waste and saving so much time prepping a full meal. You can easily freeze carrots, potatoes, celery, zucchini, squash or onions. A rule of thumb when freezing foods, look at what the markets freeze in their frozen sections. Great indications when freezing full meals .

Deli meats are great for freezing and taste great when thawed, I honestly cant tell the difference.

7 Foods to Freeze & Cut Waste

1 Comment

  1. Pretty cool thanks!

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