Why Recycling Is Not The Solution


Did you know 90% of recyclables we toss in the bin don’t really get recycled? They actually gets tossed in the incinerator, or worse into the landfill, the one place we were really trying to avoid. The amount of items the Recycling trucks pick up are to much for the facilities to keep up with. The demand for materials to be made into recycled items is indeed growing but not as fast as we would like it to be.

If you recycle, that’s good, but not really so great. So many plastics are made from different chemicals, some are durable, some thin. Facilities who handle these items do not have the time nor space to really put them aside and figure out a solution to the ever growing problem. Even when products arrive to the facilities dirty, they contaminate a whole section, again they just have to toss that stuff out too. Whatever items they cant recyclable or have to much of, eventually gets tossed in the trash, ending up as microplastics. This not only cause’s destruction of marine life and wildlife but it has been linked numerous times to possible cancer and other illnesses.

How do I avoid it then? Well stop buying plastic…. If we lived in a prefect world that would be easier said than done right? Besides corporations put the blame on consumers, when reality is, it’s on them. However we can avoid companies who ruin the earth by trying to find a replacement item that will last us much longer or actually breakdown within a year without destroying the planet . What plastic we have we can reuse over and over again until its reached the end of its life. Another simple solution? Going Zero Waste!

The aim is to reuse or upcycle what we already own, not recycle or throw away. If you need to buy more try buying Used and thrifted. If you don’t need it at all try donating or giving it away, especially to someone who will make use. Eco friendly online sites and local stores are opening up around the country and we need to support those small business. They avoid the plastic and the packaging while supporting other small business in the process. Local farmer’s markets & yard sales also avoid unnecessary packaging, this goes along way to support local farming/economy! Check out my site to learn other ways in making better choices for sustainability!

Why Recycling Is Not The Solution

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